The retrospect of monetary policy in China shows that the necessary conditions for monetary policy transformation have been satisfied, but we also point out that the practice of monetary policy in modern sense lasts for only around twenty years, after abandoning the direct controls on credit behavior and turning to the quantity indirect policy with the money supply as the intermediate target in 1998. Central bank in China is always confronting the impetus of investment and credit expansion due the traditional growth-led economic mode. Because of the governmental preference to a higher growth rate, there are soft budget constraint sectors such as the local government vehicles, stated owned firms and housing industry enterprises. The supervisory affaires of the central bank in China were separated. While, due to the industry development dominance of the supervisory ideology, there are race to the bottom in the financial supervision, which promote the rapid growth of the shadow banking in recent years and financial risks are accumulated heavily. Although there is enough market breadth of the financial market, there are still too strict regulations and the market depth is relatively low. The monetary markets and bond markets are still separated, the admittance of the market, esp. the derivative markets are sill strictly controlled, the financial products are immature and there are still implicit dual interest track. The exchange rate is still lack of edacity.
表列同板块或相关股份表现:股份(编号) 现价 变幅------------------------------长和 (00001) 77.500元 升 0.65%信德集团(00242) 3.180元 升 1.60%
SMM1月8日讯:近日,据网传消息称,今年2月起,新能源汽车补贴退坡政策或将开始正式实施。其中,2月到6月为过渡期,补贴退破幅度为30%;7月1日开始,补贴退坡达50%。其实,早在2018年11月,便有类似消息传出。据当时的方案显示,预计2019年新能源车整体退坡将达到40%,其中乘用车补贴标准将取消对续航里程200公里以内车型的补贴,200公里以上车型的补贴也整体下调。电池能量密度方面,门槛从120wh/kg提高到140wh/kg,160wh/kg以上补贴倍率为1.1倍,180wh/kg以上为1.2倍。根据动力电池的主流水平测算,预计市场上铁锂产品达到160 wh/kg,三元电池达到180wh/kg。客车方面,每度电补贴标准从1200/kwh降至800元/kwh,单车补贴上限不变,即10米以上车型最高获补18万元,8-10米车型最高获补12万元,6-8米车型最高获补5.5万元。此外,物流车购置补贴将取消,由运营补贴取代,支持新能源物流车推广运营。当时的消息还提到,2019年将不设置过渡期,以缓解财政补贴压力。